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Do Cane Corsos Shed? Dog Shedding And Grooming Guide.

Do Cane Corsos Shed? Dog Shedding And Grooming Guide.

The Cane Corso is one of many Mastiff-type dogs, developed in Italy. This large working dog breed is known for its guarding, hunting, and protective instincts. Because they are so gentle and affectionate with humans and other dogs, they make excellent family dogs. And, when properly trained and socialized, they can be very obedient and well behaved for a confident owner.

While all these traits seem amazing, there’s more to this dog that you should be aware of before deciding it’s the right one for you. And one factor that many potential owners often overlook is a dog’s shredding capacity. Besides fur being a nuisance, shedding can be life-threatening for allergy sufferers.

So, do Cane Corsos shed? The short answer is yes. These dogs shed a low-moderate amount throughout most of the year. And like other double-coated breeds, they go through seasonal shedding, where they shed a significant amount in preparation for seasonal changes. The good news is Cane Corsos don’t shed nearly as much as other large breeds like the German Shepherd or even their fellow mastiffs like the English Mastiff.

Whether you’ve already welcomed a Cane Corso into your home or are considering getting one, you may have found yourself wondering about their maintenance needs. It’s important to understand their shedding tendencies and grooming needs, so you know what living with one in your home will be like. You’re looking at low to moderate shedding as opposed to high shedding.

This is good news as it means cleaning will be much easier. Below, I give you a rundown on how much do Cane Corsos shed, when they shed more, and some helpful tips to minimize shedding. Let’s jump right in…

How Much Do Cane Corsos Shed?

These dogs shed, but they don’t make a big mess around the house. To put it into perspective, they shed about the same amount as the Bullmastiff and Greyhound, which are also large, short-haired breeds. But they don’t shed nearly as much as other large dogs with thicker, heavier coats, like the German Shepherd.

Additionally, their fur is short and pointy, so it doesn’t leave noticeable clumps of hair as the Labrador would. Needless to say, if you want a large, low-maintenance dog that sheds low-moderate amounts, the Cane Corso fits that description.

Like most dogs, you may notice increased shedding in your Cane Corso during certain times of the year. They will lose their undercoat in spring and fall to prepare for seasonal changes, and you can expect to find more fur around your house during this time.

It’s important to understand that there can be variation in the amount of shedding even between dogs of the same breed. In other words, your neighbor’s Cane Corso’s shedding may not be the same as yours. Factors such as food, hormones, grooming, age, and overall health will influence both the frequency and the degree to which a particular canine shed.

Why Do Cane Corsos Shed?

Healthy dogs shed for several reasons. For starters, shedding is a natural way to get rid of old, dead hairs and regrow new, healthier ones. Every dog’s fur goes through the same lifecycle. The growth begins in the anagen phase and slows down in the catagen stage. It finally falls out in the telogen stage.

You’ll notice an increase in shedding in spring and fall as your Cane Corso sheds to grow a more suitable coat for the upcoming season.

A young Cane Corso will shed its soft, thin puppy hair to grow a more robust adult coat. This usually occurs around four and six months of age, so expect a significant amount of fur around your house.

Aside from these natural forms of shedding, your Cane Corso could also be shedding due to an underlying issue. Keep reading to learn what causes unhealthy shedding and how you can prevent it.

Shedding Seasons and Frequency

We know that all dogs shed, but the frequency and degree of shedding differ. This breed is a low-moderate shedder, but when do Cane Corsos shed? This is an occasional shedder that loses fur year-round.

But like many dogs, you can expect more hair loss during the two shedding seasons in a year. In fall, old hairs will fall out to make room for new thicker ones that can help keep the dog warm in winter. Come spring, they will get rid of the thick, dense undercoat so they can stay cool in the hot summer weather. Factors like the seasonal sunlight cycles, the temperature of the outdoors, and health can also impact a dog’s seasonal shedding cycle.

For instance, if you live in a temperature-controlled house, your Cane Corso may not experience seasonal shedding and will shed the same amount throughout the year.

Unhealthy Shedding

A Cane Corso can shed a lot, but it’s usually because they are adapting to the weather. However, excessive shedding can also be a tell-tale sign that something is wrong with your canine. Sometimes, it’s something as simple as allergies causing excessive shedding. Luckily, you can treat this easily by identifying and eliminating the trigger.

Dogs can also shed unhealthily due to stress, which can be caused by various things such as separation anxiety, loss of a family member, the introduction of a new pet, etc. Other causes of unhealthy shedding include hormonal imbalance, poor diet, parasites, fungal or bacterial infection, skin infection, etc.

Last but not least, excessive shedding can also be an unfortunate sign of a severe illness like cancer. For this reason, it’s always important to take your pet to the vet in case they are shedding more than usual.

Aside from excessive shedding, other signs of unhealthy shedding that you should be aware of include:

  • Hair that is dried and fragile
  • Bald patches
  • Dry and brittle hair
  • Extreme itchiness

What Type of Coat Does a Cane Corso Have?

This breed is double-coated, meaning it has two layers of fur: an outer and an undercoat. The lower layer consists of short wool-like hairs. It acts as an insulator to help regulate the dog’s body temperature so they stay warm or cool as needed.

On the other hand, the topcoat comprises longer guard hairs that add additional protection against the elements. You can differentiate the undercoat from the topcoat by the hairs’ shininess because it tends to be significantly darker.

This breed’s fur is one of the shortest in the canine world, so it’s less noticeable on the floors than in long-haired breeds. The puppies will have soft, feathery strands, but they are hard and prickly in adult Cane Corsos.

How to Manage and Reduce Cane Corsos Shedding?

After understanding when and how much do Cane Corsos shed, it only makes sense that you learn how you can manage and reduce the situation. You can’t stop a Cane Corso from shedding because it makes it a great survivalist. But dealing with all that fur, especially during the seasonal shedding, can be pretty frustrating, not to mention dangerous to allergy sufferers.

Luckily, you can do a couple of things to keep the shedding to a minimum, and it all comes down to grooming and providing a proper diet.

Cane Corsos Grooming

One of the easiest and most effective ways of managing shedding is regular grooming. It captures loose, dead fur and dander, thus preventing them from dropping out and spreading all over the house. Using the right grooming tool is equally important, and most owners agree that a bristle or rubber brush is an excellent choice.

Both do a great job removing dirt and debris while also massaging the coat and helping to distribute natural oils. You may need a de-shedding tool like a furminator during seasonal shedding. This brush is amazing; it gets into the thick undercoat and latches onto all the dead fur without pulling or hurting the animal.

The good news is the Cane Corso has short fur that is low maintenance. Brushing one or two times a week is enough to keep his coat clean and healthy. However, you may want to increase the grooming sessions during seasonal shedding to keep up with the increased shedding.

Cane Corsos Diet

A dog’s coat is one of the tell-tale signs of its nutrition. Healthy hair is rich with outstanding color and shines in the sun. Ensure you’re feeding your Cane Corso high-quality dog food. A diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids nourishes the skin and coat and strengthens the fur, thus reducing shedding.

Keep in mind that, like humans, dogs can also be allergic to certain foods, which can cause skin irritation and scratching. This will, in turn, lead to unnecessary shedding.

Also, make sure your pet drinks plenty of water. Dehydration can lead to dry, itchy skin that is prone to shedding.

Baths, Supplements…

It’s important to bathe your canine to keep it clean and odor-free. It also loosens up old, dead fur to make brushing easier and gets rid of the loose fur before it can spread around the house. Be sure to use a good quality dog shampoo, preferably with moisturizing properties.

That being said, avoid over-bathing your furry friend since that will strip off his natural body oils, leaving the skin dry and susceptible to shedding. Bathing your Cane Corso every 6-8 weeks should be enough to keep him clean and reduce shedding unless they roll in mud or something smelly.

Another way to promote healthy, glossy coats that are less likely to shed is by adding supplements to your dog’s diet. Fish oil, flaxseed oil, and coconut oil are some great choices as they offer omega-3 fatty acids. You can also consider adding vitamins. But while all these are readily available for purchase, you should consult with your vet about what is best for your particular Cane Corso.

Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic?

Many people get watery eyes and other symptoms when near a certain dog. For this reason, there’s an increasing need for hypoallergenic dogs, which are less likely to trigger allergies. Fur, dander, urine, and saliva are all known to cause allergies. Hypoallergenic dogs produce less of these allergens, hence more suitable for people with allergies.

After learning about do Cane Corsos shed, you must be wondering whether or not they are hypoallergenic. Unfortunately, they are not. This Italian Mastiff dog is a low to moderate shedder, but given his huge size, the amount of hair and dander he produces constantly can be problematic to allergy sufferers.

I would recommend more allergy-friendly breeds like the Afghan Hound, Basenji, Giant Schnauzer, Maltese, Poodle, etc. Those with mild allergies can still manage to live with this amazing Mastiff by following the following tips:

  • Reduce fur and dander shedding by regularly grooming and bathing your furry friend
  • Ensure his diet is optimal
  • Wash your hands after touching or petting your pet to avoid transferring allergens to your face when you touch it.
  • Invest in a HEPA air filter to help capture the allergens in your environment
  • Vacuum often to reduce fur and dander in your home
  • Keep the doggy away from places you spend a lot of time in, like your bedroom